Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can You Travel to Bermuda Right Now?
A: Only vaccinated travelers can visit Bermuda right now. Bermuda COVID travel restrictions require each visitor to apply for Bermuda Travel Authorisation at least 24 hours before the day of arrival to confirm vaccination status and present a negative COVID-19 test before entry.
Q: Can I Travel to Anguilla Right Now?
A: You can travel to Anguilla if you are vaccinated against COVID-19.…
Cruise Insurance Plan FAQ
Q: Do I need a particular cruise insurance plan?
A: Select cruise travel insurance that accommodates the complexities of traveling by sea, such as the Go Ready Cruise Plan by Aegis General with built-in trip interruption, medical and emergency assistance, and transportation coverage, as well as baggage delay and missed port of call protection included.
Q: Can you buy cruise insurance after booking?
A: Yes, you can buy cruise insurance any time before…
If the closest you’ve come to a natural wonder of the world recently has been the local grocery store, you’re not alone. The past two years have been a whirlwind of stay-at-home orders and closed borders — and, unsurprisingly, a stroll down the frozen food aisle hasn’t been anyone’s idea of a dream destination. So doesn’t a white-sand beach or quaint mountain village sound better instead?Fortunately, after months of waiting and keeping yourself (and others!) safe, it’s finally time…
After two summers spent navigating a global pandemic, the time has finally come to embark on your ultimate summer bucket list. But before you pack your bags and head out the door, you might want to plan for where you’ll explore. So what fun ideas can you add to your summer bucket list, and how can you protect your trip from unexpected hiccups, like flight cancellations or a positive COVID test?
From a fun summer bucket list for…
Retirement isn’t the end of the road — it’s the start of an entirely new journey that can lead seniors to new cities, new countries, and even new continents. But like any journey, you’ll want to embark on new travels with the peace of mind that you’ll be safe in the case of an emergency, medical or otherwise. So, how can seniors travel safely now that COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted?
The truth is, travel…
COVID Information Disclaimer
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak is an ongoing, rapidly developing situation. Aegis Insurance encourages its readers to monitor publicly available information and to always follow federal, state, and local health organization guidance and government mandates.
This information is intended to assist Aegis Insurance’s readers with important guidance when dealing with a range of matters related to COVID-19. This information may vary and may be updated as needed.
Aegis Insurance gives no assurances as…